Posted on 2/25/2015

Do you know the last time you had your Brakes looked at? 6 months? A year? 2 Years?! If you’re joining the latter part of that group then I’d recommend seeing a professional technician just to make sure everything is up to snuff. The Brake System is the most crucial safety feature in an automobile so why chance it all?Up here in Washington we experience a lot of precipitation and are exposing our automobiles to a fair amount of extreme weather. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s not exactly flat around here either. The combination of the two extremes can wreak havoc on our cars, trucks, and SUVs and the brake system is no exception.There are many warning signs our automobile’s give you about your brake system needing maintenance and your ability to interpret them can be the difference of hundreds of dollars when you can it to the shop. Squeaking, grinding, pulling of the vehicle while turning are just some of the few things you might experience that are a red flag tha ... read more